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Hilde Lysiak

Author of Hero Dog!

8 Works 645 Members 10 Reviews


Works by Hilde Lysiak

Hero Dog! (2017) 300 copies
Bear on the Loose! (2017) 103 copies
UFO Spotted! (2018) 71 copies
Tornado Hits! (2018) 65 copies
Fire! Fire! (2017) 63 copies
Thief Strikes! (2019) 35 copies


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{My thoughts} – Hilde and Izzy on the trail of a strange occurrence. While they were sleeping some fish ended up dropping all over Orange Street. They went out and rescued them, by putting them into their little sisters kiddie pool. Then they called Officer Pam to come and get them.

While they were out exploring the damage left from the storm they learned of a strange weather phenomenon. There was a lot that took place in this book that had kept the girls busy and on the trail to learning what exactly had happened.

Professor Henry was the one that was able to better explain what had taken place and he’d even taken the girls up in a helicopter ride to better explain it to them. Seeing is a key way for teaching and this showed them exactly how the waterspout had started out and then ended as a dangerous tornado.

I really enjoyed this book. I enjoy reading about the facts and learning about how the girls are able to report on the news around their neighborhood. I look forward to reading the next book in the series in the very near future.
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Hilde and her sister Izzy pick up right where they’d left off in the previous book. They’d heard fire sirens and decided to follow them. The fire was an antique store that was well known in their area. The building was a loss and they were trying to figure out what started the fire.

The girls did some investigating and took many pictures. However, it wasn’t until they were looking at older pictures of the store, that they were able to figure out just what had caused the fire.

A lot of stuff takes place in case of an emergency such as a fire like is described within the pages of this book. I enjoyed reading this book and the lessons in which it teaches children. It shows children that you can make a difference while being safe at the same time. It also shows children that good investigating will lead you to the right answer and that it isn’t safe to assume you know what happened.

I think this is a great book and series for any child that is a fan of mystery. It’s also a great book and series for any child that likes to write stories about things going on in their lives.
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – A thief strikes and Hilde and Izzy are on the scene. They are trying to find out who stole the missing tomato plants. While they are trying to solve that mystery they are also trying to solve the mystery of why so many people are getting sick that ate at Slick Dogs.

It takes them the better part of the day and then they figure out what is going on. They have to interview a couple of people and then eventually they talk with the right person and they get the answers that they need in order to solve both the mysteries.

I really enjoyed this book. It was very fast paced and it explained everything really well. I also like how it shows that children are capable of solving crimes just like adults. In some cases I’d think that children are easier to talk to and all.

This is a great book and series for any child that is a fan of mystery. I really do hope that they continue the series as this is the last book as far as I can tell. However, it ended like all the rest, with an opening for a new book to be written. Here’s to hoping we will be seeing much more of The Orange Street News in the future!
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Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My thoughts} – Hilde and her sister Izzy are hot on the trail of what they believe to be a UFO. The girls saw a flashing light in the sky and then interviewed a few individuals that claimed it just had to be a UFO. This then started a bunch of rumors that aliens were going to try an invade Earth.

Stories like this are fun and interested to read. I really enjoy listening to the things that the human mind can imagine. I think that’s the main reason that I enjoy reading so much. It is rather entertaining as well as interesting to read what people can imagine in their own words.

The two girls do many interviews and they find some clues that lead them to consider the possibility of an alien life force. However, Hilde isn’t convinced and keeps searching out the facts so that she can give her readers the truth. I have fallen in love with this girls dedication and determination.

It takes some time, but the two girls eventually find a source that is more then helpful. They are able to finish their story and they are able to post it online. However, the only downside was that they’d missed their posting deadline. Hilde wanted the facts and didn’t want to post anything that she wasn’t able to back up, despite her sister Izzy trying to convince her to do otherwise.

This is a fun book and series to read. I look forward to reading more books in the series in the near future.
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Zapkode | 2 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |



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