Is there a log of my own actions on the site?

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Is there a log of my own actions on the site?

May 13, 2:34 pm

I'm trying to track down a possible bug, but I need a log of all my own actions on the site to figure it out. Is such a thing available to users?

(Weird, garbage tags started showing up in my library. Nonsensical combinations of tags, often a dozen or more, added to books. I want to see a log of my own activity to see what could have triggered this.)

Edited: May 13, 3:15 pm

Depends on what you had been doing - see if may show what you are looking for?

I don't think it shows tagging though...

Edited: May 14, 7:15 am

>1 lipi: Do you have an actual bug report yet? If not, we should close this to keep it off the docket until you do.

To answer your question, and to add to what >2 AnnieMod: says... what sort of activity are you looking to track?

May 16, 3:48 pm

>3 kristilabrie: Well, ideally I'd have a log that tracks addition and removal of tags, so I can point a finger and say "AHA! See! Tags were added to this book, and I didn't do it." (Also, I could use it to track down all the books that were affected, since I have no idea how to do that now.)

I'm not sure what bug report I could possibly file right now except "random tags seem to have been added to some of my books, I don't know when it happened, I don't know why only some books got them, I don't know how to find all the books affected, and I didn't keep track of what they were when I cleaned them up so good luck reproducing it." Didn't seem useful, hence the request for access to a log.

May 16, 3:58 pm

>4 lipi: I don't think there's such a log, but you could export your catalogue and then have 2 sets of data to compare and point out the discrepancy when it occurs.

May 16, 4:26 pm

I'd notice it, if the tags were not the ones I normally use, because I do almost what >5 SandraArdnas: suggests. I export my catalogue and have a script that compares the tags with a list of tags on one of my wikipages:

Alas, 100% of the time it has caught my own spelling mistakes rather than anything sinister :-)

May 17, 7:16 am

>1 lipi: >4 lipi: Does anyone else have the password to your account? Could someone else be logging into your account and changing things?
Could you give some examples of the junk tags so maybe the staff can hunt down when the change happened on your book?

May 23, 11:03 am

This member has been suspended from the site.

May 23, 11:28 am

>8 Girthygooner: Contact staff. There are links at the bottom of each page.