Public catalog showing up as private when URL is searched

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Public catalog showing up as private when URL is searched

May 1, 4:10 pm

Hello, my organization's public catalog ( is showing up as private even though we have "public catalog" selected in settings. Any suggestions? I've been trying for about an hour and thought it might just take a few minutes to switch from private to public. Still nothing. Any help would be appreciated!

Edited: May 1, 4:19 pm

May 1, 4:18 pm

Where exactly do you see it as private? It appears as Public to me...

Maybe there is browser and/or network caching on your browser? Try through a different device and/or network if you can

May 1, 4:20 pm

>1 ischoolccb: It shows publicly for me, so you might want to add your browser and OS setup for developers and anything else that might be pertinent to tracking down the issue. If you've changed from private to public, try clearing cache and cookies and logging in fresh.

Edited: May 1, 5:32 pm

The site sometimes has a delay on how fast changes appear for logged-out users, compared to for logged-in users. I think that's what's going on here, and it will update eventually. Not sure how long it will take for the logged-out server to catch up though.

(Edited to remove a double "I think"!)

May 2, 9:22 am

>1 ischoolccb: Are you still seeing your catalog as private and if so where/how? If you can provide a screenshot that might be useful, too.

May 2, 5:22 pm

Thank you! I guess it just took some time for the change to show up.