"Post a New Topic" option missing

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"Post a New Topic" option missing

May 1, 12:41 pm

I came across an interesting news story about forged editions of Pushkin, and thought it would be of interest to this group: https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/566/Fans-of-Russian-authors

However, there is no "Post a New Topic" option. The group is not "Join to Post", though I did join to see if the option appeared, and it did not.

Edited: May 1, 3:55 pm

I am seeing this when logged in as a non-admin user. The group page loads, and looks like I am still logged into my account, yet there is no "Post a new topic" button on the group page.

I can't replicate this when I am logged in with admin status- the group pages + buttons load normally. However, I am seeing a different, possibly related issue as an admin, where clicking on Groups (https://www.librarything.com/ngroups ) or Talk (https://www.librarything.com/talk) from the LT Homepage (https://www.librarything.com/home) brings me to the logged-out version of the page.

Going to look into this more.

May 1, 4:10 pm

I see Post New Topic after I joined and refreshed the page, if that helps

May 1, 4:27 pm

>4 SandraArdnas:

Oh, that worked! Thanks.

May 2, 10:18 am

Closing- You have to be a member to post in these groups, which is why the "Post a new topic" button was not showing until you joined the group and refreshed the page.

May 2, 11:39 am

>6 mice_elf:

Usually, though, when a group is "join to post", there's an indication of that.

May 2, 3:23 pm

>7 lilithcat: Usually, though, when a group is "join to post", there's an indication of that.

Could you let me know what indication you expect to see on the group page? Do you have an example of a group where you do see the indication?

May 2, 4:55 pm

>8 mice_elf:

It used to be on the main group page (can't remember if it was at the side where you have the "Join" option or if it was at the top of the thread list).

It's not there now. Apparently at some point it was moved to the bottom of individual threads, which is confusing.

See https://www.librarything.com/topic/360450

May 2, 5:20 pm

>9 lilithcat: It used to be in both places -- on the groups page (I don't remember the wording though) and at the bottom of each thread.

I agree that not having it on the main group page is very confusing.

May 3, 2:08 am

>10 AnnieMod: Yes, ir was there on the group page, and it needs to be there.

Jun 2, 1:08 pm

>8 mice_elf:, >11 MarthaJeanne:

Definitely needs to be there!

When a group is created, the message is nowhere to be found unless and until there's a thread.

See, for example: https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/24404/Badger