Special Sauce Recommendations Don't Include Books From Same Series When in Text Form

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Special Sauce Recommendations Don't Include Books From Same Series When in Text Form

Apr 23, 6:51 pm

The Special Sauce Recommendations section doesn't include more than one book from a series when in text form. You can see this pretty drastically on the recommendations page for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, where The Chamber of Secrets is recommended like normal, but every other Harry Potter book is skipped over. This also has the effect of, say, only one of The Iliad or The Odyssey ever being recommended.

The covers layout doesn't have the same issue, but I find text to be a lot easier to parse at a glance.

Apr 24, 1:56 am

That's on purpose. Why would you want recommendations for multiple books in a series. One is enough.

Apr 24, 3:28 am

>2 jjwilson61: I understand why recommending books from the same series isn't the most useful thing, but currently the alternative is leaving those recommendation slots completely blank, so why not include them? There's also the fact that some books in a series are completely unrelated: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Heart of Darkness, for example.

Apr 24, 4:02 am

>3 nukirisame: Your question about whether to recommend more than one book in a series is reasonable, but it's a choice. Not a bug. You might want to suggest it as a feature, but I'm going to close it as a bug.

Apr 24, 4:03 am


Apr 24, 9:19 am

I don't think this is necessarily "not a bug". I do think that a module should show the same recommendations regardless of whether the module is viewed as a list or covers.

However, it's probably on purpose just because it's easy in text to indicate that there are additional books in the same series, but that's more difficult to show with book covers.

My preference personally would be to hide the other books from a series in both module formats, not show them in both module formats.

>1 nukirisame: Regarding your mention of The Odyssey and The Iliad, different translations of the same work are considered the same work in LT, so there could only ever be one recommendation for those.