search your library

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search your library

Apr 22, 4:20 am

This search option suddenly disappeared; only the site-wide box for searches is displayed. Bit inconvenient.

Apologies if this has been mentioned before--I saw no posts about it in past week--or if there's a fix that would be blindingly obvious to anyone who doesn't specialise in overlooking the obvious. Cheers.

Apr 22, 6:50 am

Please give a bit more context.
Disappeared from WHERE? Home page? The Your Books page?
Some other page?

Also, Mobile or desktop?

Apr 22, 2:41 pm

>2 gilroy: Thanks.Desktop. I'm full sure it had disappeared altogether even from Your Books page last night/this a.m. but this evening it's on that page & that will do nicely.

Apr 22, 3:16 pm

>3 bluepiano: Maybe the screen got a bit too wide for some reason (miscalculation or something was not loading completely on your end?) so it got pushed out of the screen?

Apr 23, 7:24 am
