Favoriting Lists?

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Favoriting Lists?

Apr 20, 8:03 am

Hi, there. I've searched Help and can't find any information on this: How do you favorite a list? I was just realizing that I tend to save Lists as a bookmark in my web browser, but that seems silly. Is there a way to save one within LibraryThing? I'm talking about the lists that others have made and contributed to, like the Arab Lit. list.

Apr 20, 8:49 am

>1 AmyMacEvilly: On PC, in the top right corner, below add work and edit buttons. I believe on mobile those are somewhere at the bottom

Apr 20, 10:35 am

>1 AmyMacEvilly: I have the same problem.
>2 SandraArdnas: I only use an iPad.

Apr 20, 10:44 am

>3 kjuliff: Well, the site uses either desktop or mobile view. Favorite button is in top right corner on desktop. I think the entire right side bar is at the bottom in mobile view, but I never use it, so not entirely sure.

Apr 20, 11:36 am

>1 AmyMacEvilly:, >3 kjuliff: Where the button is depends on how large your screen is, which can vary even on the same kind of device. If you have a sidebar on the right, then the button is at the top right. If your screen is too small for a right sidebar, the "Add to favorites" button is at the center top of the list.

Edited: Apr 21, 10:06 am

This message has been deleted by its author.

Edited: Apr 21, 10:07 am

Found it. Thanks all