Importing a Set of Books goes to Multiple Collections.

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Importing a Set of Books goes to Multiple Collections.

Apr 18, 12:11 pm

I am NOT asking for developers to pursue and fix this issue. Simply notifying them of a resident problem which I can fix on my own library.

The problem occurs as follows:

I create a small import file and designate it to be added to a specific Collection. This usually works, but on occasion the books are added to a second collection. I have gotten used to this now and always check to see if it occurred.

One time I decided to re-import tags into my complete library, but not to designate other than to say they should go into My Library. I have done this many times, but last week every book was attached to EVERY collection!

I recognized this happened and my only alternative was to empty my library and start over. Fortunately, I had made an Excel backup so I could go through the laborious job of creating all of my collections one at a time.

OH, for a true Restore capability in LT