Duplicate Barcode Bug in "Your books"

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Duplicate Barcode Bug in "Your books"

Apr 15, 8:47 am

To reproduce:
1. Go to "Your books" and make sure you're using a display Style with the "Barcode" field. If not, add it to one (https://www.librarything.com/settings/display).
2. Either pick an existing "Barcode" number in your catalog or add one to any record. Wait a few minutes for indexing to catch up, if needed.
3. On a different record, staying on the "Your books" page, add the same barcode number and save.

Bug: You should get an error message that the same barcode number is already in use on the other record, but you do not.

NB: This bug does not happen on the book-edit page. You get the error message as expected.

Apr 29, 4:19 pm

Fixed. You should now see an error message for the duplicate barcode after you click the "Save" button, and the option to "Save anyway".