Is contained In -

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Is contained In -

Apr 11, 1:22 pm

Have we removed/relocated the option for specifying that a work is contained in another work?

yes i read the wiki i comprehended it, not.

Apr 11, 1:44 pm

No, it's in the Series and Relationships box, where it's been since the reconfiguration at least a year ago.

Apr 11, 1:51 pm

the reconfiguration was almost four years ago, in June 2020

Apr 11, 2:26 pm

>2 gilroy:
I'm seeing something similar, but not not contained in. ill check again

Apr 11, 2:29 pm

All i see is - no work to work somethings. no possibility of adding option

Edited: Apr 11, 2:36 pm

>5 EGBERTINA: In order to use "Is Contained in", you need to have both works already existing as works. You cannot just write-in something.

And there is the ability to reverse (is contained in/contains) if you start from the incorrect work.

Apr 11, 2:55 pm

>4 EGBERTINA: I don't know that you've ever been able to use "Not contained in"?
What exactly are you trying to do?

Apr 11, 4:13 pm

Here are the steps:
1) go to one of the work pages you want to make a "contained in" relationship for
2) find the "series and work relationships" module and click "Add/edit"
3) click on the "relationships" tab
4) in the search box, search for the other work in the relationship
5) click on the title of the work
6) select the correct relationship from the dropdown
7) if the relationships listed are in the wrong direction, click the button with the up and down arrows to swap the works
8) click "create relationship"

Which step is not working for you?

Apr 11, 4:21 pm

thank you. sorry. i was clicking on relationship button. not search. wasn't clear to me all three items were found