TinyCat Down

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TinyCat Down

Apr 8, 10:06 am

Is TinyCat not loading for anyone else? LibraryThing will load but TinyCat won't.

Apr 8, 10:36 am

What browser are you using? If Edge, this may be Microsoft's listing again (see https://www.librarything.com/topic/359858#8499440 ). If not Edge, what browser and OS did you try to use and had you tried another browser/system?

Apr 8, 10:56 am

>1 cgaff2: as >2 AnnieMod: states, if you're using Microsoft Edge browser, it's likely Microsoft blocking TinyCat for some (unknown) reason, but we hope to clear it soon. Try any other browser and let us know if you're still having trouble?

Apr 8, 11:31 am

I would check your internet connection as well. My work internet is currently blocking TinyCat on Chrome but not LibraryThing. (I don't use TinyCat often so I'm not sure if this is a recent development.) TinyCat works fine on mobile data.