Making my uploaded covers available for others

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Making my uploaded covers available for others

Mar 29, 9:24 pm

I've been scanning and uploading higher quality covers for my books when there's not a decent version already available. For some of my less popular books there have been just a dim photo, or only Amazon covers, or none of the right design, so the new photos are a huge improvement and I'd be happy for other people to use them.

So I've got them set on my books, but it looks like they might be private somehow or not attached to the work quite right. I see my covers when I'm logged in, or when I log out and visit my books directly. But when I visit the work page while logged out I don't see my cover. I'm worried this means other people can't see it either and can't use it on their books.

For example, look at this book:
and you probably see the high quality cover uploaded by me.
But now look at the work:
and only the Amazon covers are there.

Do you see the same thing? How can I make these covers available?


Mar 29, 9:32 pm

When did you upload it?

There is (at least sometimes) some caching/waiting time before other users can see and use the member uploaded cover. There is nothing more that you need to do here - just give it a few days and check again - it should show up under Member covers.

Edited: Mar 29, 10:51 pm

>1 foxst: Click on Recalculate cover in the Advanced box and your covers will immediately become visible to all.

Mar 30, 3:09 am

I see your uploaded cover.

Mar 30, 4:31 pm

Okay, I seem them all now. Thanks!