Non-English site - Author role not actually saved

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Non-English site - Author role not actually saved

Mar 24, 10:52 am

This a Non-English site bug, which occurs after fix.
If the author role assigned in the newly added row (i.e. "add another author" is clicked) of the author is the same as a role in the previous rows, the role data in added row cannot be actually saved.

That is, if the data in red square is the same as the data in blue square

that role would appeared to be saved in the translated form.

But go back to the "Edit your book" page, the role is not saved.

Mar 25, 8:16 am

Verified. Looking.

Mar 25, 8:48 am

Fixed, I think. Please verify.

Mar 25, 9:23 am

It is fixed. Many thanks.

Mar 27, 9:37 am

Marking as fixed.