German National Library: Missing ISBNs in LibraryThing

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German National Library: Missing ISBNs in LibraryThing

Mar 22, 12:10 pm

To reproduce:

1. Add the German National Library to your data sources in the LibraryThing App and on the "Add books" page (
2. search GNL for 3548344631 on both platforms
2a. add the search result that comes up on the app
2b. select the (?) button on the "Add books" page to inspect the record data before adding

Bug: Although you can search by ISBN and add the result/s, the record is missing the ISBN on the LibraryThing end.

NB: the SRU page for GNL also has the ISBN, so there's some breakdown happening in the pass to LT.

Apr 16, 1:57 pm

Looking at this.

Apr 18, 10:04 am
