CoverGuess author linking issue

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CoverGuess author linking issue

Mar 11, 3:20 pm

This is probably a very easy problem to fix, but I just noticed this: When you submit tags for a cover, and it shows you the title and author of the book, clicking on the author's name sends you to "" instead of ""
This naturally results in a Problem 18, saying that there is no work with the reference number given.

Mar 12, 12:07 pm

To reproduce:
1. go to
2. tag the cover on the page and select "Submit"
3. the page refreshes to show your submission, with the cover you tagged, title, and author of the work. hover over the link for the author, e.g.

Bug: the author link should be at /author/mcbained not /work/mcbained

Mar 12, 12:12 pm
