"New" Recommendations not working?

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"New" Recommendations not working?

Mar 10, 1:16 am

I made my account a couple of weeks ago. I think Ive had enough books for new recommendations for at least a week, but still nothing. I've tried looking through other threads and the wiki, but I can't figure it out.

I definitely have over 100 books in lists included in recommendations. I think the genres cluster well. A few of the books are somewhat uncommon, but definitely not all of them.

Mar 10, 8:12 am

The new recommendations can take up to 30 days to generate

Mar 10, 8:14 am

I've had an account for about 2 1/2 months now, and I still get the message "Unfortunately, we have not yet calculated your recommendations. We are doing so now! We will send you a message as soon as they are ready," so I also think there's a problem

Mar 11, 10:23 am

I talked to timspalding about seeing if we can make the New Recommendations feature more sensitive to trigger a calculation for members. He's aware of the issue, we will announce any updates. Thanks for your patience!

May 25, 10:27 am

>4 kristilabrie: Hi there! Is there any news on this front? I'm still getting the "Unfortunately, we have not yet calculated your recommendations" message as well.

Thanks for your time!