Too Much Happiness: Stories Showing narrator not author

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Too Much Happiness: Stories Showing narrator not author

Mar 5, 3:18 pm

Too Much Happiness: Stories shows the narrator and not the author Alice Munro here and on touchstones

Edited: Mar 5, 3:35 pm

You're seeing the data on your copy of the book, imported from whatever source you used. You can edit your data on the Edit book page (in the left column on the page you linked to).

Closed as not a bug.

Edited: Mar 5, 4:04 pm

>2 r.orrison: I used LT as a source. I just type in the name of the book surrounded by square brackets.
Too Much Happiness

Mar 5, 4:08 pm

Here is the LT main page
I didn’t write the summary.

Edited: Mar 5, 4:16 pm

>4 kjuliff: LT isn't a source. When you click 'add book' it import data from a certain source. Yours had this mixed up data, so probably Amazon. The work as a whole has good data . You have to edit your copy to get good data yourself.

Depending how you add books, I can explain how to avoid importing bad data in the future.

Mar 5, 4:14 pm

>4 kjuliff:

No, here is the LT main page:

You have ratty data in your catalog. When you link to the book from there, that's what you'll see.

I used LT as a source. Your catalog shows that you used as your source.

Mar 5, 4:18 pm

>6 lilithcat: ok. I can’t do anything about it then.

Mar 5, 4:27 pm

>6 lilithcat: BTW I am not linking to the book from my catalog. I’m using it in posts. I don’t understand. I can reference books in posts that aren’t in my catalog.

Mar 5, 4:29 pm

>7 kjuliff:
I can’t do anything about it then.

Yes, you can. Edit your catalog entry.

Mar 5, 4:31 pm

>9 lilithcat: I did. I think it’s best if I delete it from my catalog. I went in to my entry and it’s correct. I have the correct author there. It’s the touchstone brining up the wrong book.

Mar 5, 4:33 pm

I have the correct author in my entry. I don’t know how else I can change it.

Edited: Mar 5, 4:40 pm

Not only can you fix it, nobody else can fix it for you. Only you can correct your personal data.

This is your entry:

You need to edit your entry. I prefer going to the book page and clicking on Edit book on the left, but there are others ways to do it.

Mar 5, 4:39 pm

If I delete the book from my catalog will the touchstone bring up the correct author. I have no way of altering the author .

Mar 5, 4:40 pm

>12 MarthaJeanne: that’s exactly what I’ve done. But it won’t let me alter the author.

Edited: Mar 5, 4:44 pm

>11 kjuliff: It does not just need to be there. It needs to be in the top field of your copy. The main author is a bit special in the book level data.

When you edit the book, the main author is in the second line (under the title). The rest of the authors go into the bigger set of fields lower on the page.

Make sure that the top field has Munro. Looking at the your catalog, you have Kimberly Farr in that field. Copy Munro up in the top field. Copy Farr's in the "Other Authors" field and adjust whatever else is needed.

Mar 5, 4:43 pm

Ok. I found out I could alter the author. So when you use touchstone does LT look up one’s catalog? What if the book isn’t in your catalog?

Mar 5, 4:45 pm

>16 kjuliff: It shows your data to you. If I have the book, it will show me mine when I look. If you do not have the book, it shows the work level data.

Mar 5, 4:46 pm

>16 kjuliff: PS: You have Alice Munro (Narrator) -- you may want to change the role (there is a drop down after the name of the author - you can change it to Author or to blank :)

Mar 5, 4:46 pm

>17 AnnieMod: Thank you.

Mar 5, 4:47 pm

>18 AnnieMod: is it ok now?

Mar 5, 4:50 pm

>20 kjuliff: Still says Narrator. Make sure you are adjusting it in the top line (where it says author) and not at the "Other Authors" section - it looks like you fixed it there (you may want to delete Munro from the second section completely while you are there). I also tend to remove "Random House Audio" as an author as well but if you want to keep it, that's ok.

Mar 5, 4:53 pm

>21 AnnieMod: I think I’ve fixed it now.Thanks so much. I now understand how it works.

Mar 5, 4:59 pm

>22 kjuliff: Yep - looks good now :)