App not updating with books I added yesterday

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App not updating with books I added yesterday

Mar 2, 3:42 am

I added books yesterday, having previously added some at the beginning of February. When I do a search on the LT App on my Samsung phone it should be showing 12 books (I know this because the search is working fine on the LT website on my laptop) but it only shows the 5 older books (including edits from yesterday) repeated over and over again and not the 7 most recent books.

Edited: Mar 2, 5:07 am

Give it at least 24 hours. Getting things to the app is taking time lately.

Mar 2, 7:12 am

I want to say this is a duplicate of this bug:

Mar 2, 8:30 am

It's working ok now

Mar 2, 8:38 am
