Uploaded book list leaves most covers blank.

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Uploaded book list leaves most covers blank.

Dec 31, 2023, 11:14 am

Hi. I'm a new user. I recently uploaded a csv file of my books from Goodreads. The upload worked fine, my list is in my library.

However, it is only displaying the covers for about 20% of my books. I can go edit them manually and get a cover, but will take a long time since I'm missing hundreds.

Is there a way to "Refresh" all my covers? I don't need specific covers, just whatever is the default that would be displayed if I was newly adding the book.


Dec 31, 2023, 11:24 am

What cover is displayed depends on many things, including ISBN. It also depends on whether or not your copy was automatically combined with an existing work. If it wasn't, there may not be any cover to display. We can't see your catalogue to see what the difficulty might be.

Dec 31, 2023, 11:47 am

Only books with ISBN or ASIN are assigned default cover. Most of those are from Amazon and those can change or disappear at any point, so if you want to be certain your covers will be stable, you need to either choose one hosted on LT or upload one yourself. There's a module to speed up this process if you chose to do this - Recent Member Uploaded Covers. I believe it's under Home > About You by default. It has a settings option 'my ISBN only' if that's good for your purposes, in which case you can assign a hundred within few minutes. Even without restricting to your ISBN, it's fairly quick unless there's a lot of classics in your library.

Dec 31, 2023, 1:27 pm

Thanks! The Recent Members Uploaded made things faster. I still have a bunch to do manually, but that was a quick way to fix most of them.

It's odd that 1/4 of my imports worked ok, but the rest didn't.

Thanks for your advice, much appreciated!!

Jan 1, 8:53 am

Another thing to note, some books might not auto-combine where they belong, so if you see some that appear catalogued only by your or very few people, it might need combining with the larger group to get all member-uploaded covers (as well as to show all other aggregated data). Ask away if you need help combining, or post in Combiners group. There's practically always someone online who'll help