Looking up/importing Kindle library

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Looking up/importing Kindle library

Sep 10, 2023, 4:55 pm

I have a csv with my kindle library on it. My question is if I can do a mass import with no ISBNs, online ASINs. If yes, can I get some guidance? I keep running up against information about how to do it one at a time.

Sep 10, 2023, 6:23 pm

>1 elorin: Look at the Universal Import - the option at the bottom of the import page - you can create a file exactly as specified and as long as the isbn field is empty, it will get imported exactly as is without look ups (an isbn in any of them will send them for lookup - as your books don’t have ISBNs anyway, all you need is to format the file properly). The ASINs won’t get added in the field for them though - if that is important for you, you will need to add one by one.