Dark Shadows Trivia

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Dark Shadows Trivia

Mar 16, 2023, 2:37 pm

Sorry, I wasn't sure in which existing category this post belonged so I created a new topic for a very minor point.

I watched a movie called The Tarnished Angels, made in 1957, which starred, among others, Rock Hudson. His character's name is Burke Devlin. There was a character with the same name in Dark Shadows. He was an ex-convict, now a businessman, who returned to Collinsport to get revenge (I forget for what) on Roger Collins.

My theory is that Ron Sproat and Joseph Caldwell, two of the original writers and both gay (they got drunk in a gay bar and came up with the idea of Barnabas Collins) used the name as an oblique homage to Rock Hudson (Dan Curtis was quite homophobic). It's hardly a name you'd just pull out of a hat.

Mar 18, 2023, 4:21 am

Oh yes, no way is a name like that a coincidence. Heh, this reminds me of the Buffistas making fun of Whedon for apparently unconsciously calling so many characters some version of William. Angel, Spike and I forget who else. Even Willow gets called "Will"!