CK items not showing on the Finnish LT "Your books" page

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CK items not showing on the Finnish LT "Your books" page

Jan 16, 2022, 3:53 am

On my "Your books" page I prefer to see e.g. CK: Original Title and CK: Orig. Pub.
Something has happened there, and that information has stopped being updated. I mean, it IS there, in the CK pages, it's just that it stopped showing on my Your Books page.

I'm using site.

I don't know exactly when this happened, but I added Barack Obama's A Promised Land 20th Dec 2021 and everything showed up just fine. Then, I added a few books 8th Jan 2022, and that CK info isn't visible on my Your Books page no matter what I try to do.
To clarify, all the "older" books show the info just fine. It's just with the newer ones.

Edited: Jan 18, 2022, 10:28 am

Thanks for the report! Testing this out from (and on dev site)

It seems that "CK: Orig. Pub" and "CK: Original title" fields are not updating and/or pulling in data consistently on non-English ( sites.

Viewing Talvitar's catalog on and
1. Catalog view - missing CK data in top 4 records (where only English CK data exists, as far as I can tell).

NB: it's not even showing German CK OPD data on .de when logged in, within the catalog. Example: German OPD field is filled in for, but not showing on or I also filled in the Original title field on .de for the same title while testing: the German CK data count didn't go up, and it didn't show up within the catalog. I'm seeing some CK data come through in my catalog here: but not all, and I can't tell the pattern (if there is one). I'm looking at when the CK data was added and when the book/s were added to my catalog.

2. Editing "CK: Orig. Pub" field on doesn't show existing data (from English CK data)

2A. I can edit to update the OPD on and, but the data will still not show up within the catalog. BUT, it will update what I entered in the CK section on the work page, for everyone else to see. Definitely a bug, IMO.

Viewing Talvitar's catalog on
1. Catalog view - shows CK data in top 4 records

2. Editing "CK: Orig. Pub" field shows existing data (from English CK data)

Edited: Jan 18, 2022, 10:30 am

Now, I'm making Original title edits to my CK data on .de, and it's getting counted as English CK data/edits:

The above data won't show up in my catalog on .de, but it does on .com (probably because it's coming through as English data/edits).

Jan 23, 2022, 8:28 am

I'm just wondering if there's anything to be done about this? The CK data is still not showing about my newest items on fi-site.

Jan 24, 2022, 1:13 pm

I need to discuss this with timspalding this week, and may need to do some further testing to nail it down. I'll post here with any updates. I appreciate your patience in the meantime!

Edited: Jan 27, 2022, 10:10 am

For developers:

Test 1:
1. Log into both and (in separate browser tabs or browsers). (I tested with kristilabrie on .com and LT_trans_de on .de.)
2. Go to and note the CK section: see that the Original Title and Original Publication Date fields are both filled in.
3. Add to your library on .de.
4. Now, view your .de test account's catalog on both .com and .de.

Bug: OPD and Original Title fields show data on .com but not .de. This is even after editing/saving each of those fields, from the work page, on .de to make sure the data was being (or supposed to be) saved on .de itself.

Test 2:
1. From your .de account, add another book or books without an OPD and/or Original Title field filled in. (e.g. and
2. Once added, from the CK section on the work pages, edit to add the CK OPD and/or Original title field on .de. Pay close attention to the CK data tallies in the CK section on the work page. (e.g. English (1) Dutch (0), etc.)
3. After saving any edits, refresh the page and look again at the CK data tallies.

Bug: Edits on .de CK data are getting tallied/counted as English data entries. Also, that newly added data doesn't show up within the actual catalog on .de (e.g., likely because it's being considered as English CK data.

Test 3:
1. From your .de catalog where you know a record has some existing OPD/Original Title data (e.g., double-click to edit either the CK: Original title or CK: Orig. Pub fields.

Bug: The existing CK data doesn't show up in the edit box for the field.

2. Now, enter a different date or title than what currently exists for that work, for testing purposes. (I tested 2000 on the work in #1 above, changed from 2010.) Click "Save".
3. Refresh the catalog: the CK data doesn't show up in catalog.
4. Go to the work page ( and see that the CK data did update per your edit/s.

Bug: CK edits are not recognized in catalogs, but are recognized on work pages themselves.

Jan 28, 2022, 12:37 pm

Impossible to delete CK Fields (Date of birth / Gender) on author page // Other fields is ok (I imagine CK date of death have the pb too)

This after combinaison : 3 different author pages (and 1 author)

.fr :

.com is OK

Jan 29, 2022, 12:41 am

The author CK bug that >7 JMK2020: describes, impossible-to-remove non-English CK, is the same bug as reported in

Jan 29, 2022, 2:57 pm

>8 Nevov: // Or this one (Déc 29, 2021, 4:35am) / Closed (cause of) and transferred here (it makes it clearer and more orderly)

Feb 11, 2022, 5:45 am

Other example : Jean David
Gender non delatable
pb Gender after separate homonym (and before complete CK, http sources and image for each author)

Feb 12, 2022, 8:50 pm

Other example : Arlette Jouanna

problem with date of birth

I add date of death and complete month and day for birth

before, we have just 1936 in CK and just in .fr

so ==>1936/03/24 (in french version)

Result :
OK for .com (after enter the CK in english version)
but after return in french version, it's not OK for .fr

(See biography note to remember this date)


I cry all the tears in my body (.... for Arlette Jouanna) ... and CK

Edited: Apr 22, 2022, 8:24 pm

New demonstrative example for CK problem / Bug
1rst date of publishing / 1e date de publication

Here this example (See difference .com versus . fr)

Operation (from . fr version):

==>A- Some days ago, I added datas on 1srt publishing date (fr version)

1945 (1e édition originale américaine, Random House)

1997 (Nouvelle édition américaine, Johnson books / US Holocaust Museum)

1999-03-04 (1e traduction et édition française, Plon)

So, Enter. It's OK


==>B- some days after, id est today, i saw others data to add (i combined some versions of this book with different titles in different languages)

So from . fr version, i added :

2008 (Nouvelle édition française avec une postface de Charles Jaquier sous le titre "Livrer sur demande: Quand les artistes, les dissidents et les juifs fuyaient les nazis", Mémoires sociales, Agone édition)

2017-02-08 (Nouvelle édition française avec une postface de Charles Jaquier sous le titre "Livrer sur demande: Quand les artistes, les dissidents et les juifs fuyaient les nazis", Agone édition)

So enter.... and no OK. In fact .com version is OK ????? but not .fr version (not updated for this last)

Resume : when i change/add CK data from .fr, it's .com updated (but not .fr)

May 15, 2022, 7:34 am

Just to remember this (these) bug:

permanent problem CK field with false data :

Impossible to update "date de naissance" in CK field, french version (.com version is updated)

Here one of numbers of problem :
Alban Cerisier :

Update: 1972-02-02 (and not only 1972)**


Same problem with :
Date de décès


Same problem with CK book 1st publishing

** i use short biography CK but it's rather bad

Jun 24, 2022, 3:37 am

Respectfully asking if there’s any development in solving this problem?

Jun 24, 2022, 7:54 am

Thanks for the note: nothing yet, and we've got a few staff vacations coming up so I'm guessing not much progress will be made within the next month or so at least. Try checking back in a couple months, if you can? Thanks for your extended patience.

Oct 17, 2022, 2:58 pm

Bumping this for another member, would be good to dive into when we can.

Oct 26, 2022, 1:50 pm

>15 kristilabrie:
"Try checking back in a couple months"
But it's already been a lot of months.... and what would I be in a few months ?


Oct 26, 2022, 2:26 pm

>17 JMK2020: I bumped this less than 10 days ago at >16 kristilabrie:. Thanks for your patience!

Jan 7, 2023, 11:11 am

Any news about progress on this issue?

Edited: Jan 9, 2023, 8:42 am

>19 Talvitar: Alas, not yet, but I've reminded developers about this one. I am guessing this won't be able to be looked at for awhile longer, yet, but please re-bump this one in a few months. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

Jan 11, 2023, 6:13 am

>20 kristilabrie:
>19 Talvitar:

Few months !!!!
Waiting for 1 year now.

And an exemple to remember :

Impossible to delete CK genre (.fr) so desambiguation problem

However thanks to accelerate this bug solution

Feb 3, 2023, 5:21 am

Indeed, it's been a year. While I definitely appreciate all the hard work that's been put to new and improved features, I would respectfully hope that OLD features would have some priority as well. For me, as a reader of a ton of translated works, it is extremely annoying not to see the CK original title on my list (not to mention the orig. publishing year).
I can see that data on the US site, but as there is a Finnish site, I'd really prefer to use it - otherwise, what's even the point of different language sites if they don't all offer the same level of functionality?
Somewhere, there's a "rift" which prevents the data from CK page from being seen on Your Books list.
The weird thing is that, every now and then, some data leaks to Your books. E.g. Fitzek's "Potilas" , there's the orig.title visible on my Your Books (not the orig.publishing date, though). I can't for the life of me find the logic in this.

I also have a second account for my movies (TalvitarMovies) and the same problem, of course, is very much present there.

Feb 27, 2023, 11:13 am

>6 kristilabrie:

I need more explicit directions. Where are you looking at the CK?

Feb 27, 2023, 12:22 pm

>23 timspalding: How much more explicit? I've given work pages and accounts that I'm logged into. I'm using the local CK for each site (Deutsch for .de, in LT_trans_de test account, and English for .com, in kristilabrie).

Feb 28, 2023, 6:36 am

As it is being said in other posts for .fi, .fr it is in .de.
I put several OPD-, Genre- and ???-information in LT. They dont appear.
If I fill in to .en it works.

Feb 28, 2023, 2:21 pm

Steps to reproduce already added in >6 kristilabrie:

Edited: Feb 28, 2023, 6:13 pm

>23 timspalding:

This, as says for . com vs other language version

Here some pb

1) See here (.fr) for the summary tables (Post 1, 2...)

No display (or not upgrade)
CK: Orig. Pub
CK: Original title

2) pb CK Author : date of birth (or death / Genre) (Post 10, 11, ...)
Ex :
(see short biography field to ameliorate field date of birth 1972
Problem CK
Date de naissance : 1972-02-02

(Other ex :

3) For CK Book : pb (= problem) original title and date of publishing... (Post 12, ....)

Ex :
See difference between .fr and .com


nb : I informed in many post of multiple problems with many examples

Mar 3, 2023, 11:27 am

Just f.y.i., now I can see LOTS of CK: Original Title and CK: Orig. Pub. on my "Your books" list. I mean, loads! For example, Stephen King's "Myöhemmin" has the orig. title "Later" no less than five times :D Sebastian Fitzek's "Terapia" shows the orig.title "Die Therapie" two times, as does also Andy Weir's "Project Hail Mary". Not that I'm complaining per se, this is definitely better than not seeing any CK data at all -- but it's probably not how it's supposed to be :) At least, this wasn't how the data was shown before the problem started :)

I really wish I knew how to put screen shots here, it'd demonstrate the situation better :( Anyone care to advice? :)

Edited: Mar 3, 2023, 3:18 pm

>28 Talvitar: You mean this?
It looks like it takes 'Original Title' from all languages now. I took a screenshot:

Edited: Mar 3, 2023, 10:45 pm

>28 Talvitar:
how to put screen shots

Choose an image (the easiest way is that it is in your image space in librarything then use the following string

Put the set between the sign 'inferior to' and 'superior to'; on the keyboard to the right of the shift key above Fn (Dell azerty PC keyboard)

then after 'inferior to'
img src=
Add the access link to the image (right click, copy, paste) between "...." do not forget .jpg before " an superior to
and end with 'greater than'

It should look like (add inf and sup)
img src="http://...................... .jpg"

Good luck you can try ;-)))

Complement : Tutorial from... a lot....

ps : This may be different depending on the source of the image (directly from the internet), its format ....

Mar 3, 2023, 10:31 pm

>29 FAMeulstee:

Yes, it's the problem (several same CK)

Mar 4, 2023, 8:31 am

Thanks for the help. I'm working on this one.

Mar 25, 2023, 9:36 am

vs >13 JMK2020: for example

This bug persist : impossible to delete CK date of birth (in .fr)

Dec 11, 2023, 8:18 am

See here too


Example extract from a long list

it's really a big problem when you want to have a secure database and participate for that

Here with Jean BRUN after separate homonyms and attribuate works to each
impossible to errase


Impossible to add any datas on date of birth / date of death and genre for all the 4 authors

nb : now 2 monthes before 2nd anniversary of the first post here with this bug

Edited: Feb 25, 6:26 am

To remember this bug after some monthes or years now....

It is still impossible to modify (sometimes to complete or correct the "date of birth" = "Date de naissance" field in the French version. This is provided that there is already data.
The field in the French version (for example cannot be modified, however, it is modified in the .com version

When will a correction be made?

nb : i use CK field desambiguisation to remember the real data... but it's with default

For antepenultimate example :

1954-03-31 and not just 1954


I add to this bug the one related to the gender field. Indeed, when there is separation of author, the date of birth and gender fields remain fixed in the old record....
The warning displayed by Librarything reporting combination problems cannot be followed by all the corrections

Mar 19, 6:53 am

To remember this bug after some monthes or years now....

An other example :
1944-03-09, and nor just 1944
(cf :

Impossible to modify (sometimes), to complete or correct the "date of birth" = "Date de naissance" field in the French version. This is provided that there is already data.

nb : i use CK field desambiguisation to remember the real data... but it's with default


Mar 19, 6:54 am

>32 timspalding:
Hi Tim, could you see this problem (cf : 32 and before)

Thanks a lot

Mar 19, 2:03 pm

Thanks for the bumps! Sorry this bug has not been able to be fixed yet. We are hoping to do another "bug cleanup" in the near future, but I cannot promise an immediate timeline. This is on our list of bugs to be fixed, and we'll look at this when we can. Thank you for your extended patience in the meantime!