Earth Hour 2018

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Earth Hour 2018

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Mar 24, 2018, 7:17 pm

I know this is too late now for anyone east of Newfoundland & Labrador but we are in countdown mode for EARTH HOUR here ... begins at 8:30pm for one hour, which gives us an excuse to turn off the lights, grab a flashlight, or a tealight/votive, and tell ghost stories! =D We turn off the lights and screens, but keep a radio playing in the background. Too cold here to go out in the backyard and flatten out in the grass to look up at the night sky. Sounds very sci-fi, looking for shooting stars, etc. but it might be a good night to tell Gothic tales that make the hairs on your neck stand on end.

We are likely the only household not addicted to Hockey Night in Canada. Their loss.

Have fun with it, whatever you do/did/don't do. We are in climate crisis mode so anything to unite and conquer goes, so why not Dracula or The Swamp Thing !?

Edited: Mar 30, 2019, 11:42 am

Gearing up for this again in 2019 tonight. Pouring rain prevents another attempt at star-gazing but indoor ghost stories and supernatural tales are fun to research in the meantime. Fog Island 1945 last night was enough to set a proper Gothic tone. 20:30-21:30h by candlelight!

ETA: I just listened to The War of the Worlds 1938 broadcast by Orson Welles. Riveting performance. It would not be appropriate to hear it online when Earth Hour is supposed to be screen free. It was 55min of old time nostalgic sci-fi fun. It was meant for Hallowe'en but also good company for a rainy grey day.