
sf (303), pb (215), box 20 - kreitler (74), math (63), history (54), box 28-kreitler (53), BM (51), short stories (51), linguistics (49), box 11 - Kreitler (45), box 3-kreitler? gb? (43), stories (41), box 1 (36), box 13-kreitler? gb? (30), box 13 - kreitler? gb? (30), Box 5?-kreitler (29), box 25 - kreitler? gb? (27), fantasy (26), music (25), box 8-kreitler? gb? (24), box 15-kreitler (24), box 23-kreitler (23), box 12 - kreitler (18), box 17-kreitler (18), box 27-kreitler? gb? (17), biography (15), box 7kreitler (15), box 6-kreitler (15), Math (15), box 19-kreitler (14), box 21- kreitler (14), novel (13), box 2 - kreitler (11), hc (11), philosophy (10), bob? (9), poetry (8), Irish (7), philosophy of mind (7), chess (6), ussr (6), sanskrit (6), signed 1st ed. (6), labor (6), guitar (5), classical (5), US (5), songs (4), translation (4), gift from Guido (3), Philosophy (3), RFB&D (3), signed (3), Germany (3), lent to Kisha (2), Italian (2), SF (2), German (2), ma (2), History (2), India (2), essays (2), middle east (2), britain (2), austria (2), Philosophy of Mind (2), no dust jacket (2), not owned (2), economics (2), jazz (2), autographed (2), philosophy of language (2), ireland (2), cookbooks (2), Abstract algebra (2), germany (2), box 26- misfiled (2), trade (2), Irish Traditional Music (1), folktales/fairy tales/myths/legends (1), muddle east (1), terrible condition - replace (1), phil of lang (1), DAW 146 (1), askmar (1), Gift From Walt (1), got from Marlene (1), gift from Walt (1), Gave to Guido (1), autographed by Ellison (1), Aritificial intelligence (1), coookbooks (1), philosophy of mind (lent and lost?) (1), RFBD (1), Given to Myrlin (1), lent to Jemiah (1), borrowed from Guido (1), from Guido (1), gift from Myrlin (1), Borrowed from Ian (1), DAW UW 1266 (1), fiction (1), sell/swap (1), swap (1), brazilian (1), ottoman empire (1), weimar (1), evolution (1), rabassa (1), russia (1), india (1), from library (1), nineteenth century (1), europe (1), Costa Rica (1), France (1), no jacket (1), Ireland (1), Bookmooch (1), not read (1), Scottish (1), twentieth century (1), horror (1), 20th Century (1), mystery (1), semantics (1), inscribed by author (1), LISP (1), England (1), Flute (1), Sanskrit (1), 18th & 19th century (1), Programming (1), HC (1), Signed (1), Europe (1), finnish translation (1), Russia (1), UK (1), memoir (1), paperback (1), AI (1), finnish (1), grammar (1), Britain (1), bluegrass (1), harmonica (1), pragmatics (1), linear algebra (1), finland (1), Augmented stupidity (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 23, 2007
Real Name
Jon Kiparsky
About My Library
As I've just moved across the country, my library is divided, about a third of it is in Massachusetts with me, the rest in storage in Oregon (or dispersed to the winds, and not yet removed from the list, an oversight that will be a long time in the correcting). The best way to find out what I've actually got close to hand is to find the items tagged "MA", for Massachusetts. Those are the ones on my shelf, or they should be. Others will be tagged with a box number, those are mostly in Jon Kreitler's basement in Portland.

The other idisyncratic tag is "BM", which indicates books I've acquired through BookMooch. I used BookMooch as a device for getting rid of books before I left Portland, and now I'm reaping the benefits, as you'll see by searching on that tag.

Books for me serve many purposes, some of them practical and more of them sentimental. The practical purposes, of course, are to fill up my head with useful (in a very broad sense of "useful", to include entertaining, aggravating, enlightening, depressing, and so forth) thoughts and to fill up my time with engagement with those thoughts. Without books I'd have nothing to think about and I'd have to talk to all sorts of silly people, so they're worth any money right there. The sentimental purposes include retrospective sentiments - the books I've read and keep to re-read, or to share with others - and prospective sentiments - the one expression of optimism that I allow myself is the prospect of someday pulling this tome or the other off the shelf and chewing it over. Mostly, what I left behind was the retrospective sentiment material. What I brought fell mostly into the practical and the prospectively sentimental categories.
About Me

Somerville, MA
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