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Sep 20, 2007
Real Name
Guido Susts
About My Library
Yep, I own every book and it's on a shelf. The floor counts as a shelf. Doesn't it?

A while on of adding DVD's (carefully!) I might start to add Dad's 1000+ Classical LP's. Not just yet you understand. Films seem easy compared to LP's/music. GULP!
About Me
After several years of being a member of LT, I thought I would talk about one of my interests.

I do like Cartoons.
To me they epitomise we humans. They reflect our foibles, our stupidities and our strengths.
For the last few years I have helped build a Web-site
devoted to an Australian Cartoonist who I consider is important.

A man who took his beliefs in a JUST society,
and used his skills as a Cartoonist, to gently prod us in that direction.
IRONY was his tool.
He didn't need the cruel whip of sarcasm to make his point.
Although reading about him, and his passion for politics, and when he "exploded" in a rage about the stupidity of some conservative politician of his time, I am quite surprised that that anger didn't show in his strips.

Obviously, I am a FAN and am biased,

Please do have a look at

Unfortunately My Website because of obsolete software
doesn't work anymore. If I get the energy I might revitalize It. Although...Although...

If there are any DB programmers out there...

I would love to hear from you.

Melbourne, Australia
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Bookstores: City Basement Books, Collected Works, Flinders Books, Kill City Crime Books, Minotaur Entertainment

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