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Union Carbide; West Virginia; Hawks Nest Tunnel; Bhopal (1), medical care (1), New Yorker magazine (1), air pollution (1), Celtic music (1), cerebral palsy (1), Amelia Pond (1), school explosion (1), detective stories; chemistry; girls; murder (1), atomic bomb (1), handbells (1), Peoples Temple (1), disasters; hurricanes; Texas; Galveston (1), ghosts (1), assisted speech (1), Gander (1), Aircraft Disasters (1), oil spills (1), Sandy Hook Elementary (1), shipwrecks train crashes (1), mass panics (1), London Senior Junior High School Texas (1), young adults (1), Sacred Heart Parish (1), murder (1), skeletal system (1), Johns Hopkins (1), satellite photos (1), New London Texas (1), Bluefield (1), Winecoff Hotel Fire (1), government repression (1), Dr. William Stewart Halsted (1), disaster (1), piano music (1), social disorder (1), explosion (1), rock slides (1), Jonestown (1), poisonings (1), radiological disasters (1), structural failures (1), boiler explosions (1), British Petroleum (1), oil platform (1), mining disasters (1), COPD (1), submarine disasters (1), nuclear disasters (1), British (1), Appalachia (1), Discworld (1), Tourette syndrome (1), biological disasters (1), sign language (1), homosexuality (1), Cinderella (1), parapsychology (1), railroads (1), librarianship (1), Ankh-Morpork (1), werewolf (1), Halifax Nova Scotia (1), power of attorney (1), schools (1), EMP weapons (1), academic competitions (1), quotations (1), comics tutorials (1), creative / narrative nonfiction (1), aircraft crashes (1), digital movie making (1), indoor plants (1), technology (1), Guyana (1), business (1), animals (1), beauty (1), doctors (1), games (1), fire (1), famine (1), North Carolina (1), cancer (1), creative nonfiction (1), 9/11 (1), marketing (1), summer (1), riots (1), surgery (1), cyborgs (1), oddities (1), New Orleans (1), violence (1), diseases (1), taste (1), historical fiction (1), rebellions (1), cults (1), winter (1), medical science (1), words (1), murder mystery (1), spirituality (1), alternate history (1), travel (1), detective fiction (1), wars (1), torture (1), reincarnation (1), ideas (1), memory (1), mental illness (1), nature (1), drug abuse (1), love story (1), economics (1), family saga (1), rape (1), American history (1), fashion (1), blindness (1), autism (1), mathematics (1), pets (1), androids (1), religion (1), relligion (1), Florida Keys (1), medical history (1), Jim Jones (1), coal mines (1), symbolism (1), waterfalls (1), financial intrigue (1), urban legends (1), stretching (1), potions (1), classroom management (1), landslides (1), church and state (1), Gulf of Mexico (1), military training (1), flash fiction (1), stampedes (1), estate planning (1), sheet music (1), Dr. Who (1), avalanches (1), circus history (1), muscles (1), forecasting (1), civil unrest (1), Newfoundland (1), genocides (1), possession (1), smell (1), September 11 (1), clans (1), Wall Street (1), BP (1), inventors (1), mining (1), circus (1), bombings (1), obsessive-compulsive disorder (1), tornadoes (1), Coast Guard (1), Freud (1), blizzards (1), school shootings (1), magic (1), sharks (1), folk music (1), postcards (1), taboos (1), Lee Harvey Oswald (1), Kennedy (1), U.S.S. Iowa (1)
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Feb 5, 2007
Real Name
Deb Herter
About Me
I'm a happily retired high school librarian, and so thrilled to have lots of time for adventures, reading, watching HGTV, playing on the computer, and more.

Princeton, WV
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