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Jul 6, 2007
Real Name
Trish Walton
About My Library
The "comments" are often taken right off the book jacket or inside cover. They are there to give you an idea of what the book is about.

The book cover can help you find the book in my library in the classroom. Whenever possible, I upload the cover of the book I own.

The books that are rated with stars are the ones I have read. Once I read a book & rate it, I often change the comments to better reflect why I rated it as I did, while still letting you know what it's about.

If a book does not say "YA" for a tag, it is appropriate for all readers. "YA" stands for "young adult" and means there will be mature content/language.

You will want to use "A" view so you can see the tags, stars & comments I've added for each book.
About Me
I am a teacher who loves to read...or a reader who loves to teach.
United States

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