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Kimberley Griffiths Little

Author of The Healing Spell

9 Works 781 Members 27 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Kimberley Griffiths Little

The Healing Spell (2010) 183 copies
The Time of the Fireflies (2014) 181 copies
Forbidden (2014) 175 copies
When the Butterflies Came (2013) 142 copies
Banished (2016) 45 copies
Returned (2017) 21 copies
The Last Snake Runner (2002) 20 copies


Common Knowledge



{My Thoughts} – Larissa is your average twelve year-old girl. She has a mother and a father and soon is going to become a big sister. However, she also lives in an antique shop that is very strange and she is getting off phone calls from dead phones with no connection.

A year ago she almost drowned, she doesn’t recall much of the situation or what had happened during that time period but she does know that she came awfully close to death. She also knows that her aunt Gwen had tragically died in a similar manner.

Larissa starts getting really strange phone calls that change her whole life. A girl on the other end of the phone tells her to find the fireflies, trust the fireflies. She does what the voice says even though she is scared out of her mind.

Her family has secrets that have been buried and the fireflies help her to learn what those secrets are. They help her to put together the puzzle that can help her make things right that had been done wrong in the past. They help to show her how to save her family.

This book is incredibly well written. It transitions so nicely that it is flawless on all accounts. If you want to learn more about Larissa and her family, how she nearly died and how her aunt Gwen had died, how she saves her family in the end and makes things right, you should get this book. It isn’t what I would call ordinary by any means, but it is a wonderful read and you will fly through the pages just like I did. Larissa is a very lovable character.
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Zapkode | 2 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My Thoughts} – Tara Doucet is a young girl that has lost her Grammy Claire. Her Grammy Claire was the one person in her life that was there for her and the only person in her family that she truly cared about. The day of her Grammy’s funeral she receives a certified letter from her Grammy. The letter begins a sort of treasure hunt that has keys, and riddles that lead and unlock things that only Tara is meant to understand. Her Grammy was a researcher of Butterflies on the Island of Chuuk. All of the letters that Tara received would emphasize how important her quest was and mostly how dangerous it was.

This whole book is based on this treasure hunt that Tara goes on, she drags her Sister Riley along as well. Although I am sure it was Riley decided to go along since she was left deflated when their father had stood her up and lied about sending her a plane ticket so she could visit him. Their mother is in a state of depression and not in the right mind, so she allows the children to go on this quest with the supervision of Grammy Claire’s attorney and close friend.

It turns out that Grammy Claire’s letters couldn’t have been any more true. The girls needed to save Grammy Claire’s research. They needed to save the butterflies because there were a number of suspects mentioned in Grammy Claire’s letters that told the girls to trust no one. To trust no one at all, because if they would start to trust that their lives too would be in danger. It was really hard for Tara not to trust because most the people she had come into contact with on the island seemed like could people, with good hearts and good intentions. But that doesn’t meant that they did have good hearts and or good intentions.

As the book progresses you get to learn more about Tara and Riley’s father, their mother, their Grammy’s life’s work and the people that their Grammy had known and were friends with on the island. The descriptions of the butterflies and how special they are and how brilliantly wonderful they appear when they are spoke about in the books is just wonderful and breathtaking. I could honestly see a producer turning this book into a movie, it would be just magical.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to reading more books by Miss Little in the future. She is a wonderful author that has a magical way in the use of her words. Her stories without a doubt pull you in until the very end!
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Zapkode | 2 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My Thoughts} – This book was absolutely amazing. I highly enjoyed reading it. Livie is such a sweet eleven year-old little girl. She is a tomboy by all accounts, and she is truly just trying to find her place in the world. She has a deeper connection with her daddy then with her mama, but it doesn’t change who she is as a person on the inside.

Throughout the book she struggles with understanding why her mama is in a coma. She doesn’t understand why she won’t just wake up, why things are how they are and why everyone in her family seems to be so angry with her all the time. She would rather be out in her little boat or doing something outside then being in the house and being the girlie girl that most would prefer her to be. When truth be told, she is perfectly written. I can see many little girls relating themselves to this little girl. Although she isn’t really all that little, being she’s almost two tears older then my own daughter.

I think that all little girls could find something to like about this book, the characters and the fact that life isn’t always fair. I love how it is based on religion and healing spells, but mostly faith. It is amazing what faith in a stronger power can accomplish. Every little girl should have this book and the remaining ones that go along with this book. It is a wonderful series. They can be read alone or together, but together they build an amazing story with friends, family and the undeniable truth of what it’s like to grow up in the Bayou.
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Zapkode | 10 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
{My Thoughts} – Tara Doucet is a young girl that has lost her Grammy Claire. Her Grammy Claire was the one person in her life that was there for her and the only person in her family that she truly cared about. The day of her Grammy’s funeral she receives a certified letter from her Grammy. The letter begins a sort of treasure hunt that has keys, and riddles that lead and unlock things that only Tara is meant to understand. Her Grammy was a researcher of Butterflies on the Island of Chuuk. All of the letters that Tara received would emphasize how important her quest was and mostly how dangerous it was.

This whole book is based on this treasure hunt that Tara goes on, she drags her Sister Riley along as well. Although I am sure it was Riley decided to go along since she was left deflated when their father had stood her up and lied about sending her a plane ticket so she could visit him. Their mother is in a state of depression and not in the right mind, so she allows the children to go on this quest with the supervision of Grammy Claire’s attorney and close friend.

It turns out that Grammy Claire’s letters couldn’t have been any more true. The girls needed to save Grammy Claire’s research. They needed to save the butterflies because there were a number of suspects mentioned in Grammy Claire’s letters that told the girls to trust no one. To trust no one at all, because if they would start to trust that their lives too would be in danger. It was really hard for Tara not to trust because most the people she had come into contact with on the island seemed like could people, with good hearts and good intentions. But that doesn’t meant that they did have good hearts and or good intentions.

As the book progresses you get to learn more about Tara and Riley’s father, their mother, their Grammy’s life’s work and the people that their Grammy had known and were friends with on the island. The descriptions of the butterflies and how special they are and how brilliantly wonderful they appear when they are spoke about in the books is just wonderful and breathtaking. I could honestly see a producer turning this book into a movie, it would be just magical.

I really enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to reading more books by Miss Little in the future. She is a wonderful author that has a magical way in the use of her words. Her stories without a doubt pull you in until the very end!
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CrimsonSoul | 2 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |


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