Author picture

Jennifer Jabaley

Author of Lipstick Apology

2 Works 215 Members 21 Reviews

Works by Jennifer Jabaley

Lipstick Apology (2009) 144 copies
Crush Control (2011) 71 copies


Common Knowledge

20th Century
Places of residence
Blue Ridge, Georgia, USA



This has almost nothing to do with the novel, but everytime I go to type or mention this book I think the title is 'Lipstick Apocalypse'. I'm not certain why (except that I'm insane), but there you go.

This is one of the few 'real life' teen books I have read recently and oddly enough its from another debut author. I pretty much gave up on real life teen books somewhere after my Lurleine McDaniel craze (only so much depressing reading a girl can stand) back when I was a teenager and stuck myself firmly with either books so old they can be considered 'historical value' (like the 'girl books' of the 50's/60's where the girl usually didn't have anything more difficult then learning to ride a bike or convincing her parents to let her stay out late to trouble her) because quite frankly--been there done that. If I'm going to read teen angst, I'll read teen angst with vampires, ghosts or werewolves. Makes it so much better.

Lipstick Apology though, I read the synopsis and found myself wholly intrigued by the mystery. Why DID Emily's mother leave such a bizarre note when the plane was going down? A hundred different reasons flew into my head, but as Emily described her mother I discounted most of them. Her mom sounds like a Suzy Home-maker sort. Self-sacrificing for the family, giving her all to living the American Home Mother Dream.

The truth is both shocking and disillusioning for the reader and Emily--her world already doing the merry-go-round, her entire lifestyle changing in the wake of the tragedy, the poor girl suffered enough. The real question is though, should how Emily feel about her mother change at all? Can she find it in herself to forgive her mother?

The new friends she makes at her school are a little bit flat--they are definitely not 'deep' characters for the most part. With the exception of Anthony, at first glance I didn't like ANY of them--but then that's high school right? First impressions are the key to anything and from an outsider's point of view (that is the reader), they were terribly shallow and trite. Lindsay did surprise me though, proving that first impressions aren't always lasting.

I'll say this much though, if you have an easy cry reflex keep a box of tissues handy, especially for the beginning third or so. And the last chapter or two. And some in the middle. Oh just keep a whole box by your side the entire time just in case.
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lexilewords | 10 other reviews | Dec 28, 2023 |
Since reading The Lipstick Apology, I thought I give her second novel a try. I had a delightful time reading this story and enjoying the characters find love.

Plot: This is about a girl who leaves her childhood friend behind after she has to move. But before she moves, she hypnotizes him into being her friend forever. Years later, she is moving back into town and in log with him. Problem? He just wants to be friends. I really love the idea of story. Two friends staying friends over years and falling in love. The little aspect of hypnotizing him and others around her, give the story a bit of supernatural drama.

Friendship: If you love friendships that carry history and develop over time, than this is the story for you. The friendships had its up and downs.When developing into love, they both dance around their feelings. They fought and dated other people just to make the other person jealous. Of course when you use others its bound to came back to you.

Hypnotizes: I never read a book that has hypnotizing in it. I have to admit that this is a very interesting aspect of the book. At first, Willow uses hypnotizing to help others, soon she started to use it for her own use. Things got crazy with the hypnotizing went to far. It’s a good thing that Willow has an amazing mother who was there for it all.

Overall, this is great story of finding love where it was all along. Crush Control is sure to please the reader with a developing love that is amazing.
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Bookswithbite | 9 other reviews | Jun 19, 2014 |
What would you do if you could hypnotize people and make them do whatever you want? Or think whatever you wanted them to think?Willow and her mother are experts at hypnotizing people and making a living out of it. They moved to Las Vegas to start a new life and even had their own show. Eventually they move back to their hometown in GA and attempt to start over again. This is good news for Willow since she is secretly in love with her best friend Max since childhood. Once they are back home, things aren't exactly what she thought they would be. Max has a girlfriend and now Willow has to split her time with him and his new girlfriend. Willow knows she should take a chance, but she completely doubts herself and even though the signs are in her face, she is still so blind.She makes friends with a couple of the popular students in school who turn to Willow for help. This includes Quinton, who needed her help with sleepwalking, only Willow took it a little to far. Not only did she help him, but she made him fall in love with her to make Max jealous. Things get really crazy and she learns the hard way that playing with a persons mind isn't always fun or helpful.I found Crush Control very funny, but at the same time predictable. Which wasn't a bad thing because the story went the way I was hoping. It's a fast read and interesting enough that you will read until the very end. I really liked Max and Willow and loved their friendship. Even though they were separated when Willow was nine years old, they kept in touch and remained very close. When they finally see each other again, it was like she never left.If you're looking for something light and fast paced, Crush Control is definitely the book you need to pick up.3.5 stars out of 5!… (more)
DamarisGCR | 9 other reviews | Mar 7, 2012 |
Book Title: Crush Control

Author: Jennifer Jabaley

Published By: Razorbill

Genre: Young Adult

Recommended Age: 13+

Reviewed By: Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavoc

Blog Reviewed For: Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community

Rating: 4 Ravens

Cute, That’s the first word that comes to mind when I think about this book. The author has found a very unique and interesting way to put the turmoil of being the new girl but not really the new girl out in the open the stresses of the character and the desire to be something that she’s not but what others think her to be. The need to be accepted and thought of more than she first might have been. It rushes through turmoil , trouble and a little bit of crazy in the end it ties up adorably and I was pleased with the ending just wish there was a little more story telling. That being said I’ll give a little synopsis of the way I viewed the book.

The story is set in Worthington , Georgia it’s Willow’s hometown , but when she was eight she and her mother had moved away to Las Vegas. Over the years she has stayed friends with her best friend Max back in Georgia and they have shared each others ups and downs always the best friends always the boy or girl the other could fall back on when things didn’t seem to go their way. Willow shortly after one of her boyfriends comes to realize that she’s in love with Max and waits for him… Finally the time has come to move back and she thinks things are going to all go her way.

Max is more than excited when his best friend has moved back to town. Things start out fine spending time with each other and enjoy the other. But as he starts to feel more for Willow he sees things going a little more out of control or what he thinks are wrong. Rifts form but not for the reasons Willow expects. Max is in love with her but due to a little hypnosis when they were young Max is struggling when he wants more than friendship all he can think about is friendship. The question is will things work out or will they just get worse.

A wonderful story by Jennifer Jabaley and I’m looking forward for more to come.
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Angelscryhavoc | 9 other reviews | Feb 9, 2012 |


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