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Ellen Hopkins

Author of Crank

54+ Works 23,413 Members 787 Reviews 84 Favorited

About the Author

Ellen Hopkins was born in Long Beach, California on March 26, 1955. She started her writing career with a number of nonfiction books for children, including Air Devils and Orcas: High Seas Supermen. She has written about 20 non-fiction books. Her first novel, Crank, was written in verse and met show more with critical acclaim. Her other fiction works include Burned, Impulse, Glass, Identical, Tricks, Fallout, Perfect, Tilt, Collateral, Smoke and Traffick, which made the New York Times Best-Seller list in 2015. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the name: Ellen Hopkins

Image credit: 2018 National Book Festival By Avery Jensen - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=72641763


Works by Ellen Hopkins

Crank (2004) 4,795 copies
Impulse (2007) 2,779 copies
Burned (2006) 2,666 copies
Glass (2007) 2,500 copies
Identical (2008) 2,185 copies
Tricks (2009) 1,491 copies
Fallout (2010) 1,389 copies
Perfect (2011) 1,075 copies
Tilt (2012) 714 copies
Smoke (2013) 665 copies
Rumble (2014) 498 copies
Triangles (2011) 402 copies
Traffick (2015) 338 copies
The You I've Never Known (2017) 327 copies
People Kill People (2018) 288 copies
Collateral: A Novel (2012) 196 copies
Love Lies Beneath: A Novel (2015) 150 copies
Closer to Nowhere (2020) 113 copies
What About Will (2021) 70 copies
A Sin Such as This: A Novel (2018) 68 copies
Crank / Glass (omnibus) (2009) 55 copies
Fly Fishing (2001) 14 copies
Tricks & Traffick (2017) 11 copies
On the Rocks 8 copies
Chameleon 3 copies
Tangled 2 copies
Sanctuary Highway (2019) 1 copy
Sync 1 copy

Associated Works

Dear Bully: Seventy Authors Tell Their Stories (2011) — Introduction — 324 copies
Grim (2014) — Contributor — 239 copies
Dear Teen Me: Authors Write Letters to Their Teen Selves (2012) — Contributor — 113 copies
Scary Out There (2016) — Contributor — 46 copies
You Too? 25 Voices Share Their #MeToo Stories (2020) — Contributor — 42 copies


abuse (174) addiction (219) books-i-own (57) contemporary (60) cutting (49) drug abuse (144) drugs (341) ebook (60) Ellen Hopkins (70) family (114) fiction (582) high school (85) love (80) mental health (51) mental illness (84) meth (65) Mormon (66) non-fiction (102) novel in verse (262) novels in verse (103) own (94) poetry (534) rape (76) read (88) realistic fiction (180) religion (55) romance (83) series (63) sex (64) sexual abuse (55) suicide (128) teen (187) teen fiction (52) teen pregnancy (91) to-read (1,513) twins (53) verse (183) YA (420) young adult (592) young adult fiction (117)

Common Knowledge



4 1/2 Stars. I just finished this book today, and once again Ellen Hopkins has outdone herself. The characters were very fascinating and realistic--I could empathize with all the main characters easily. And the ending--tragically powerful. To me, besides being entertaining, this book delivers a lot of messages that I think many of us need to hear.
AngelReadsThings | 78 other reviews | Jun 7, 2024 |
This is a beautiful mesmerizing painful book. In the years since I last read anything by Ellen Hopkins, I had forgotten how well she can pack stories with multiple dark experiences without coming off as melodramatic or inauthentic. She has such a solid grasp on the issues she portrays that everything feels extremely realistic which made it easier for me to get sucked into the story and to connect to and care about the characters. I was especially impressed by the issue that pops up near the end as it was very obvious that she had done quite a bit of planning and research to execute the reveal and unpacking of the issue so effectively. My only minor gripe with the book is that the ending felt too rushed. I would've like to have more time to experience the ending--to really feel and see it unfold--rather than being mostly told a lot of new information.… (more)
AngelReadsThings | 84 other reviews | Jun 7, 2024 |
I picked this one up because I previously read Triangles. I was not as interested in this as I was Triangles, though it was nice to see things from the children's perspective.
chaoticmel | 19 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |

I'm not sure why i waited so long to read this one. I love novels written in verse. I couldn't relate to Kristina or any of the characters, but I was sucked into the story and almost felt as though I was flying right along with them. I learned to hate Brenden, love Chase; especially at the end. For a college bound kid, he really stepped up to the plate even after he found out it wasn't his place to. The ending was very abrupt and I can't wait to start the next book to find out what happens.… (more)
chaoticmel | 235 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |



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