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6 Works 588 Members 18 Reviews

Works by Jake Burt


Common Knowledge

Columbus, Ohio, USA
Places of residence
Hamden, Connecticut, USA



Very nearly a five-star book for me. My only criticism is that some of the action sequences and logistics were confusing.
LibrarianDest | 1 other review | Jan 3, 2024 |
Representation: N/A
Trigger warnings: Near-death experience, death, dead bodies
Score: Seven points out of ten.
This review can also be found on The StoryGraph.

This book was part of the library reading challenge of the month. The goals were to read a poetry book, a graphic novel and a horror book. This meets the third goal.
After I read this book, I completed the challenge for the month, but after reading another horror book called What We All Saw, the novel left me disturbed! Not reading that again, and not to mention I gave that story two stars, but considering that this isn't a young adult novel, I thought the horror would be toned down. I was right, and other than one terrifying scene and some dead bodies (repulsive in their own right,) this was only an okay book I could push through without much struggle. As far as I know, this is the only book the library has from this author, so I can't say if his other books are good. It starts with the main character, Copper (like the element copper and not Cooper?) Inskeep, or Copper for short, lives in whatever's left of Windydown Vale. The entire storyline is slow-paced at best and forgettable at worst since after the inciting event where the Ghoul scared a city girl, Annabelle, the first few hundred pages didn't have anything much happening since the book was too occupied in describing Copper's life. The other characters weren't that much better since I struggled to connect to them, the ending was, as I said before, disturbing but at least there's a high note.… (more)
Law_Books600 | Dec 29, 2023 |
Recommended Ages: Gr. 6-8

Plot Summary: Nicki is living in an orphanage and has been for a long time. She is shocked to have an opportunity to join a family, but she's not allowed to know anything about them unless she agrees to it. This isn't a normal foster care or adoption situation. The family is in the witness protection system, which means they're hiding from dangerous people. The government is trying their best to protect them, which in this case, means adding a second child to the family to throw off the people looking for them. Nicki makes a pretty quick decision, even though it means leaving her friends at the orphanage without saying goodbye, going through a whole lot of training for her new role as a family undercover, changing her name, and living a lie. Will all of her efforts protect her and her new family?

Setting: Durham, North Carolina

Charlotte - 13 year old, orphan, sassy, type A personality often but not always, has a history of stealing
Janice - person in charge of making sure Charlotte is ready for her new role and serves as her point person once she's with the family
Harriet - new mom, born into a mafia family and turns them in, loving, open to change
Jonathan - new dad
Jackson Trevor - new brother, sour about all the changes, doesn't want to leave his old life and friends
Nancie - neighbor, very chatty and open in an embarrassing way to her daughter
Brit - Nancie's daughter, loves online gaming, in gaming competitions, Charlotte's friend

Recurring Themes: identity, orphan, orphanage, family, love, disappointment, danger, doing the right thing, moral dilemmas

Controversial Issues:
reference to Hunger Games
pg 58 - hell

Personal Thoughts: I wasn't sure about this book when I picked it up but it was fabulous. Just the right amount of character development and action. I do not believe it is for elementary students, however. The idea of being chased by the mafia is terrifying. The reference to Hunger Games also made me think this book is written for junior high.

Genre: action/adventure

Pacing: fast, suspenseful
Characters: decent amount

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pigeonlover | 12 other reviews | Oct 15, 2023 |
Thanks to years in foster care making her tough and street smart, Nicki Demere is asked by the U.S. Marshals to join a family of three that needs to be protected from their criminal family, camouflaging them as a family of four. As Charlotte Trevor, she does what she can to help protect her new family while also being the most average student possible. But before long, all of the Trevors learn how difficult it can be to outrun one’s past.

I don’t know why it’s so much harder to figure out how to start a review when I like a book than it is when I dislike a book. I guess because it just doesn’t seem good enough to start out with, “This book is great!” But this one really is. I don’t know how plausible the premise is, but the author sure made it seem realistic, considering that Nicki isn’t the only kid tapped for “Project Family.” From the orphanage to training with the Marshals and finally to her new home, Nicki makes an impression with everyone along the way. I didn’t always feel like her voice was all that realistic to a 13-year-old, but on the other hand, her rough history makes her anything but average. And the way her past affects her in the present was written well and adds to her being quite the sympathetic protagonist.

There were some things about this book that were predictable (at least for me, reading it as an adult) but at least one thing that happened that I did not expect at all. Throw in few emotional moments, a style that’s easy to read, and suspense built in the form of brief mentions of the criminals trying to track down the hidden family, and it’s easy to see why this book hooked me. There were even several laugh-out-loud moments here and there. I read this at the same time that my 13-year-old daughter did, and she loved it too. She agrees that it was suspenseful and thrilling. High endorsement from the target audience!
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Kristi_D | 12 other reviews | Sep 22, 2023 |



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