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Paul Acampora

Author of Defining Dulcie

7+ Works 760 Members 46 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: my kids took this of me!

Works by Paul Acampora

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Acampora, Paul



Since Leo’s grandfather died, his grandmother has spent a lot of her time wandering around the park, walking by the river, eating free grocery store samples, reading at the library, or sitting at a table at Good Eats, the 24-hour donut shop. Missing her husband is Gram’s full-time job. Leo’s job is to find her whenever she goes missing. Early one Saturday evening, Leo finds his grandmother drinking coffee at Good Eats surrounded by National Geographic magazines and a United States road map. She and her husband used to travel around the country. One trip they never took was to see the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in Price, Utah. While Leo urges his grandmother to go home, Abbey, waitress and third cousin, encourages her to go to Utah. Before he knows it, Leo isn’t taking Gram home, but accompanying her across the United States. Abbey helps Gram drive the big, aging Buick while Leo sits in the back seat with Kermit, Abbey’s gas-passing dog. Leo keeps thinking about how mad his mother is going to be when she finds out, but he can’t change the course of this inevitable journey. From Allentown, Pennsylvania, to the Field Museum in Chicago to Nebraska to Utah. In Nebraska, Gram ditches Leo and Abbey and heads to Utah on her own. They borrow a car and follow her. A tattoo and a bear encounter later, Leo learns that the trip never was about seeing dinosaurs. It was about family and friendship. And, it was about life- about avoiding extinction.
©2024 Kathy Maxwell at https://bookskidslike.com
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kathymariemax | 1 other review | Feb 3, 2024 |
Zachary Beatrice’s mother leaves to catch some elusive dream of success. Left to pick up the pieces, his father accepts a police officer job in Connecticut. So, Zachary and his dad move from Colorado to a new life in the east. They’ve been in their new home for five minutes when Rachel Spinelli rings their bell. In another five minutes, they learn about Rachel’s brother Teddy- a developmentally delayed seventeen year-old, six-and-a-half feet tall trumpet virtuoso. Rachel, also, tells them that her mother resides in a coffee pot on a shelf in the family diner. (She died when Rachel was born.) As Zachary starts school, he learns one thing about Rachel. She spends more time in detention than she does in class because anyone who makes a negative comment about Teddy feels the force of Rachel’s fists. The bond between Zachary, Rachel, and Teddy strengthens during the summer as they help restore the Sarah Jean Tilley Memorial Park. Even after Rachel’s fist connects with Zachary’s face over a squirrel and its nest, the threesome remain fast friends.
©2024 Kathy Maxwell at https://bookskidslike.com
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kathymariemax | 2 other reviews | Feb 3, 2024 |
When Dulcie's father dies in a freak cleaning accident, they barely have time to pick out a headstone before her mother decides that a change in scenery will help them with the grieving process. So she uproots Dulcie from the only home she’s known and moves her across the continental United States from Newbury, Connecticut to San Leandro, California. Dulcie isn’t ready to leave all her memories behind. She doesn’t want to make a new start in a strange place. Her mother’s decision to trade her father’s truck for a small sedan proves to be the catalyst Dulcie needs. She leaves California with $300 from her mother’s stash and drives her father’s 1968 red Chevy pick-up back home to Newbury and her grandfather. While Dulcie learns how to heal the strained relationship between herself and her mother, she befriends Roxanne whose wretched home life puts Dulcie's situation in a clearer perspective.
©2024 Kathy Maxwell at https://bookskidslike.com
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kathymariemax | 9 other reviews | Feb 3, 2024 |
Mr. Nowak dropped dead of a heart attack in the lunch line just before Halloween. When Miss Caridas, the replacement teacher, posts the summer reading list on the last day of school, Lucy remembers that Mr. Nowak had told them, “To Kill a Mockingbird is the only book I will assign over your next summer vacation.” So, to honor Mr. Nowak, Lucy convinces her friends to help her start a campaign that will get everyone in town to read To Kill a Mockingbird. They begin by hiding all of the copies in the local bookstores and libraries. In place of the hidden books, they leave flyers showing a mockingbird silhouetted in a gun target. Then, a website, a Facebook page, and a twitter account follow. The scarcity and the publicity do increase people’s interest in the book, but the ensuing mini-revolution spreads far beyond their town. How will they end it without getting into trouble for starting it in the first place?
©2024 Kathy Maxwell at https://bookskidslike.com
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kathymariemax | 23 other reviews | Feb 3, 2024 |


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