Wishlist of Authors

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Authors we hope to see on LibraryThing!

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LibraryThing Authors List
LibraryThing's 100 author blog post

Author Websites: Amy Tan, Gail Tsukiyama, Audrey Niffenegger, Emily Barr, Jasper Fforde, Ann Golon, Umberto Eco, Christopher Paolini, Dave Barry, J. K. Rowling, Sandra Boynton, Nora Roberts, John Lithgow, Ann Rice, Stephen King, Michael Connelly, Holly Lisle, Lee Smith, Ian McEwan, Isabel Allende, Elmore Leonard, Julian Barnes, T.C. Boyle, Carl Hiaasen, Sue Grafton, John Grisham, Eric Carle, Alice Hoffman, Annie Proulx , Michael Cunningham, Judy Blume, Madeleine L‘Engle, Bruce Coville, Terry Brooks, Nicolas Sparks, Dan Brown, Amulya Amalladi, Elizabeth Winthrop, Avi, Hari Kunzru, Ursula K. Le Guin, Brian Jacques

More coming soon...
Check out their websites-email, send a post card, or email their agent about joining LibraryThing. As for J. K. Rowling, it's best to send a postcard to Christopher Little, than email--I already got a polite no thanks she's busy on book 7, raising a family, etc. But a zillion postcards couldn't hurt--not that I want her to stop book 7 to LibraryThing--but there is such a thing as 'staff'.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Authors29 unread / 29chamekke, June 2007
Authors-Contemporary6 unread / 6Lunawhimsy, September 2006
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